_Making you wait for my thing,my stuff,was hard on me. This is my first time and mama said allow him to build up his desires. I Flaunted my lace and my red satin gown. I could feel my heart pound. The throbbing and pulsating going on downtown,was uncontrollable. I rubbed my feet together,trying hard not to rush in,as grandma said only the foolish do. Treading lightly,while trying to remember all the clues. Anticipation turns into a burning desire and as I stand in Black lace,my red satin gown is dropping to the ground. My entrance was grand. I let him do the rest as he finishes getting me undressed, he seizes this moment as my caramel treat oozes through my peek-a-boo lace. I was now imprinted in his mind like indelible ink ; Concerning ourselves with no other thing but the excursion of ecstasy on which we were about to embark. He removes my black lace leaving me full exposed. Forgetting that mama said "always leave something to the imagination" Fully exposed I hoped I did not mess up!There was nothing left to be imagined now, except how it would feel with Him inside me. Smooth, silky, soft... and vulnerable I stood there naked,raw,in the buff. About to give him my thing my stuff.I felt chilly, giggly and silly, His eyes consumed me, it was then that he moved in with those kisses ,each one warmed me. His lips danced all over my body. This was the thrill of letting him catch me,Grandma said" let um catch you,never let him think you caught him" His shoulders were wide,and strong ,he leaned in to handle me,though he was gentle,his grip was stern. His eager arms bulged of strength; His body excited me;Once he put his key in my keyhole,It opened me up to another world: A world I never knew was inside of me, I finally gave him that thing. He then went on to please me,and Oh how he did please me. It was Unspeakable ; Use your imagination.. A poet enchanted stands naked and in love,for the first time...With a lover doing all it takes to make her happy. I sub-come, surrender ...and I whisper a poem in his ear ..You have deflowered me my king,you have unlocked my jewels,I will always be yours...No one else will ever Unlace my Black lace.
Standing in the archways of my love. Do not be afraid to encounter my elder-hood. Unless you have ulterior motives , you will let go. Truth will interfere with your earthly plans,if you don't ignore it!Stand in my corridors,walk in my hallways and reminisce. I have taken your fears and misconceptions unto myself ,causing me to appear restless and eager . knock loudly so I may you present you with my presentation as a present from my world. Partake of what I have laid out before you and enter without caution. Vibrate, Vibrate to a new dimensions and let us love you! Be purified in letting go, be enlightened, release ignorance back unto it's rightful owner and become wise again. Become a flexible ball of iridescent energy and enjoy brilliance and wise words; For you,my Door is open. Before you cross my Threshold leave all of the blockers behind, become willing to abandon the undesirable notions of expectations; As I will not clash with your past wrecks. I will lift you up as you enter my domain, my spiritual door is open; So come in and feel the love. My invitation is standing, conscious insight is in abundance; Search yourself and find your light. Know yourself divinely, let intuition be your guide. Dwell in peaceful surroundings never again to go astray; Even in dark places,you shall find your way.

He stands before us to deliver a poem,a prose,a verse a rhyme or message. His manner quite manifesting,and his confidence puts the crowd at ease. Soon and so soon, to soon- we loath him. There is to much cluster on his grandiloquent vine, of strung together words without substance.Tho the use of an,apophasis gives poetic license to insult, we loathe him instantly.The silver-tongued orator's brilliance, soon becomes wearisome,while the mute articulate points of his eccentric ramblings leads us to dead ends, unfulfilled and burdened. We now loath him. The loathsome Bard goes on to rant about,degrading and dissolute issues of life which we know the Bard has not concern. His bombast deliver to some appears eloquent,grand-stand language of quite grand- eloquent vagaries, leading us nowhere. As we listen to the FANFARONADE of his charades,we loathe him. Tho quite colorful and pompous, he leave us in shambles, brains all scrambled ...and we loathe him. The once brilliant verse tho well rehearsed is wearisome. The Bard went not in hard we think "next poet please." We all were relieved as he finally did leave, because he looked better going than coming; With our intellect he was toying, tho the Bard was not hard ....most certainly,he was annoying.

W A I T I N G. ************************ Seems as if I have waited In line or on hold on the phone Where blatant disrespect is shown No longer fast service to show courteous appreciation Just wait, wait, wait Without consideration Take a number Life is what this is Waiting for something Or anything Or nothing Waiting for the other shoe to drop Waiting to see Waiting to hear No longer is waiting a past time Waiting is all the time Take a number Do not have a seat Just wait Stress high I no longer know what I am waiting for In this waiting game When I get to the front of the line The well has run dry Or there’s a sign on the desk Saying OUT to Lunch My life is a take a number life I have no reason to wait anymore There is no wait left in me The other shoe has fallen The line is much too long Time is up, the building closed And now my time has come I get on the line to talk with God He asked me what I did while here I waited, I exclaimed I waited I waited to be born I waited in line to die But most of all I waited... On Christmas every year Hello we are transferring your call .... Hello, someone will be with you shortly All of our representatives are busy helping other customers Your wait time should be approximately twenty minutes Hello, God Can you hear me? I waited.. I was next hello; Buzzzzzz..

THANKS GIVING Walking backward Ill prepared I face things head on, but not the bitter wind. I turn my back as I face my goodbyes , walking away I wave to my old problems: With a snarling bite,the cold wind leaves me pierced and belittle. Walking backwards I dare not face whats in store for me. Until this wind subsides and treats me fairly, I will walk backwards slowly less I stumble. After my bones are chilled to the core. I reach my abode, devastated and delighted, the fireplace lit and flickering. Still afraid I wonder "what if" and I blame God,discounting the rescues; Then with every melting bone and every thawing toe, I thank him/her, then realizing how awesome man is and how far we have come. Annoyed I say begrudgingly "Thank you God " for this fire,and for bringing us out of the cold wilderness. I say this hoping not to entertain the "What If's" again. Forces, forcing me to open my eyes and realize that at any moment I could walk backwards again, backward in the cold with nowhere to run, without relief; I can't think of anything worse. So how can I or anyone come out of the cold ,and sit by the fire, while the frost filled Ohio wind rolls off the Erie lake. Passing desperate people I want to collect them to come and sit by the fire with me. I must love my neighbor,and share the warmth,the fire ,the food,my home. In the old days we could, I cant live like this,,,,sitting a by the fire alone, I think to my self "What If".

I blow my Saxophone strictly for the pleasure...Its my gift from God one of my many Treasures. Took care of all eight of my children; Some have college degrees.....I take things like they come,never hard to please. Took care of my dear ole dad tho he neglected me. Used to steal moonshine,to help my ole granny. Long ago I did that stuff, myself still a boy. No small stuff do I sweat ,No strangers have I met. Work hard,hard play,moving obstacles out of my way.I love my wife, I love my life "Hey what did you dream last night! God I love my music:My music I love by God! Seventy years old I am,still working in the mines. "Hey what did you dream last night" When he hits the number he's doing what God ask...doing what God loves,sharing and caring; Blow David ...Blow Your Horn,against all odds,against all adversaries. What a good brother! Hey that's my husband! Hey that's my dad!..Hey that's my uncle Dave,loving his own and others. Passion is his saxophone. He said to write a poem,especially for him..I call him uncle Dave, you see,but he's really a GOOD FRIEND! End poem Dave ask me to write this Poem ..he's amazing! And he is still working in the salt mines,playing his saxophone,playing numbers,and house painting on the side..And asking what you dreamed.

Pince- Nez....I asked ,whats that? Eyeglasses ,he proposed..For your nose. They have no handles. For a lads,I asked? Or for lasses? He answered. No!..They are just glasses for lads or lasses. Only thing they have no Stems, matters not, a her or a him.!

Unholy, ungodly...deeds,to numerous to mention. What the church.? Yes the church.! Tattered bibles on the floor. New corporations in cahoots. Selling maps to hells door!

MEAT-steroid cows with mucus. CHICKEN-lame,frightened,grown in six weeks without beaks. SEAFOOD-tainted and contaminated. FOOD-sprayed,pesticides.genetically engineered seeds. AIR-polluted,chem-trails.plenty of carbon monoxide. WATER-poison algae,oil spiills WALKING-breathing is dangerous,no oxygen,no trees. TALKING-Speaking out can get you killed. MILK-Full of pus from over stimulated titties. RELIGION- separates and creates fanatics. POLITICS- fasted way to die. Like Martin ,Malcolm and JFK ....It gets worse If you join; So pick your poison. Or not! STANDING- in buildings is life threatening too.Innocent lives of every hue. Every religion and every race. Who's responsible for this early entrance into heaven or paradise? Follow the money on that day...Who got paid for nine eleven? And if you lived past that day, You still have to choose your poison... So ..PICK YOUR POISON...Or not!

To you : I entrusted my boy: To you: I gave my child. You kept him for a long while. You never told me the reason or explained to me,the disloyal treachery -that was shown me! I think that it's kind of like reverse treason! You take my child away and send him to front lines. You said he was fighting to protect us. Then I see the big corporations of murth,my child is gone. Now I am childless and alone. It's like I never gave birth!. My son died for no reason. Leaving me all alone. Now I am at your mercy,and no mercy have you shown; I think you are the enemy,true slavery! You took away my dignity,my pride and my son. Who will comfort me; Who will mow my lawn? He was my protector. Now I am childless and alone. Afraid of every plane that flies; Afraid of a government who lies,and hides behind disguise. I cannot grow old gracefully.I might as well die too. I entrusted you my son; whom has died for the wrong reason. He was fighting to give me a better life,so he thought. I call this trick you played with our lives ,the ultimate form of treason! You have spilled the blood of the innocent for Monsanto and Halliburton and countless,nameless corporations, in whose interest you're invested Your treasonous treachery,by trickery will always be protested; By me ...the childless mom. He went to fight with an innocent heart,fighting for our protection: He wrote this letter before his demise...."Forgive me Mother,and I hope God will too,they have me killing babies women and children.We have found no Ben Laden...And all is not well! My soul will not rest, they have sent my soul to hell"... "Mother.....Now for my soul I ask you to pray, that God untangles my soul from hell: All is not well Mother...Untangle my soul from Hell." End Poem.


    Poetry by Vicki Acquah/Mama
    Oladeji /Allaround Queen. Please Note: Any pictures contained within this blog have merely been found through various internet searches. The main focus of the blog is the poetry NOT the pictures. Should you come across a picture that belongs to you,please use the contact form and state what blog post contains your picture along with proof it belongs too you to in fact request  removal. Once those steps have been taken it will be removed immediately. Thanks and enjoy!


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    Self Esteem
