When I was just a littlte girl I looked into my mothers eyes ,and ask with a serious look , "What is Love" Much to my mothers surprise I was only five, but she answered. Love is the feeling that you feel, when your feeling like you feel like you never felt before. When I became a teen I asked my Granny, What is the feeling you feel, when you're feeling like you never felt before.? She looked at me and sat me down, she asked again...What did you say? She then cut me a slice of her poundcake,added Ice cream and as I ate...she said Love taste better than this,and better than my greens,even better than my Mac and cheese.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  She said love is all this plus a feeling . What Kind Of feeling I asked; It's that feeling that you feel when your feeling like you never felt before ,plus my fried chicken.. Grandma said.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Now a Young women I met a Guy, we became best friends, we took long walks holding hands. We jogged together, laughed alot and with each other shared stories and jokes .Oneday he kissed me and I felt an electric shock tingling through my bodies tissue.I felt the  euphoria of grandmas poundcake. I looked at him and he looked at me; We were convinced that it had to be "That Feeling"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Now a young women I went to my dad and asked "How did you know you were in love with mom"  He looked at me and said..." Remember when you were small and  I'd toss you up high in the air?" Rememer the Thrill of the free fall, remember excitment, remember the trust.? How secure you felt as you landed in my arms. Love is the excitement of the freefall into  trusting arms that will catch you! And That feeling that you feel,that you,ve never felt before.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Two days later My friend proposed. My heart fluttered as he kissed my lips; Fried Chicken, Pound cake ..thrills laughter and trust, laughter and love all at once. He gave me that feeling that mama spoke of. He gave me that feeling that grandma showe me; He gave me that feeling that daddy demonstrated. So when my children ask me "WHAT IS LOVE"   I will tell them love is security and trust, love is poundcake and ice cream, love is Mac"N"Cheese, greens and corn bread.    Love is a trustworthy Partner and friend . We lived happliy ever after until the end... He gave me the Thrill of that feeling.. ..He gave me love.                                                                                                                                                                                                      the end

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    Poetry by Vicki Acquah/Mama
    Oladeji /Allaround Queen. Please Note: Any pictures contained within this blog have merely been found through various internet searches. The main focus of the blog is the poetry NOT the pictures. Should you come across a picture that belongs to you,please use the contact form and state what blog post contains your picture along with proof it belongs too you to in fact request  removal. Once those steps have been taken it will be removed immediately. Thanks and enjoy!


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